

[Click on the title below to open an article]
  1. One New People - {PDF Copy} - (By his death, Jesus formed one covenant community - One New Man - based on faith in him, not ethnicity or nationality – Ephesians 2:11-22)
  2. The Shining City - {PDF Copy} - (Contrary to the claims of politicians and far too many church leaders, Jesus is the only light able to illuminate this dark world)
  3. Redeemed by His Blood - {PDF Copy} - (The one people of God is composed of the men and women purchased from every nation through the death of Jesus)
  4. Where God Dwells - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament applies Temple language from the Hebrew Bible to the Church, the Body of Christ, the greater and true Sanctuary of God)
  5. City on a Hill - {PDF Copy} - (Contrary to the claims of politicians and far too many church leaders, Jesus is the only light able to illuminate this dark world)
  6. When Pentecost Arrived - {PDF Copy} - (On the day of Pentecost, the time of fulfillment arrived when Jesus bestowed the gift of the Spirit on his church – Acts 2:1-4)
  7. Ekklesia - The Assembly - {PDF Copy} - (The Christian use of the term church or ekklésia is derived from the assembly of Yahweh gathered for worship in the Hebrew Bible)
  8. The Sanctuary of God - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament applies Temple language from the Hebrew Bible to the Assembly, the Body of Christ, the true Sanctuary of God)
  9. Priestly Reign of the Saints - (The saints reign as a kingdom of priests during the thousand years, having overcome the Beast) - {PDF Copy}
  10. His Priestly Kingdom - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples reign with Jesus as priests who render service in his Tabernacle and mediate his light and Word in the World)
  11. An End Time People - {PDF Copy} - (The church is the battlefield where the final war is being waged between the Lamb and the Ancient Serpent, Satan)
  12. The Redeemed of the Earth - (In Revelation, the one people of God is composed of the men purchased from every nation by the blood of the Lamb) - {PDF Copy}
  13. One in Christ Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Returning to the custodianship of the Law would mean rebuilding the wall of separation between Jews and Gentiles)
  14. Rebuilding the Wall - {PDF Copy} - (We must allow Jesus to continue dismantling the wall as his Gospel of the Kingdom is proclaimed to ALL nations, including modern Israel)
  15. Heirs of the Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (With the outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the blessings for all nations promised to Abraham commenced)
  16. Both Jews and Gentiles - {PDF Copy} - (The equality of Jews and Gentiles before an impartial and just God is pivotal to Paul’s Gospel. They stand or fall before Him on the same basis)
  17. Do Not Drift Away - {PDF Copy} - (The Letter gives a dire warning of the consequences for failing to heed the superior word spoken by God in His Son – Hebrews 1:4-2:7)
  18. Harden not your Hearts - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples who fail to hold fast to their confession due to unbelief will not inherit the coming rest of God)
  19. Enter His Rest - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples who fail to hold fast their confession due to unbelief and disobedience will not inherit the coming rest of God)
  20. His Penetrating Word - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples must hold fast to their confession and approach Jesus in boldness, especially in times of great need)
  21. Gender and Spirituality - {PDF Copy} - (The genuinely spiritual man or woman understands that God’s power, wisdom, and nature are revealed in the preaching of a crucified messiah)
  22. Yea and Amen in Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (The promises of the Hebrew Bible are fulfilled in the Son of God and Messiah of Israel, Jesus of Nazareth, period)
  23. The Blessing of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The gift of the Spirit given by Jesus to his disciples is part of God’s covenant promise to bless all nations in Abraham’s seed)
  24. One Spirit, One People - {PDF Copy} - (By his Death and Resurrection, Jesus formed one covenant community - One New Man - based on faith in him – Ephesians 2:11-22)
  25. The Children of God - {PDF Copy} - (Insisting on a Torah-observant lifestyle will result in the restoration of the old social barriers and distinctions between Jew and Gentile)

  1. Loving Caesar - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, the Inhabitants of the Earth willingly venerate the Beast and take its mark, and even believers are not immune from its allurements)
  2. Allegiance - {PDF Copy} - (In the Book of Revelation, every man must choose between allegiance to the Beast from the Sea or to the sacrificial Lamb)
  3. Disciples Must Choose - {PDF Copy} - (Humanity is divided into two and only two groups – The followers of the Lamb and the subjects of the Beast)
  4. Kingdom or Christendom? - {PDF Copy} - (‘Christendom’ is the idolatrous term and tactic of invoking God to validate national and political institutions, programs, agendas, and ideologies)
  5. Servants or Overlords? - {PDF Copy} - (The submission of Jesus to an unjust death stands in stark contrast to the political mechanisms and ideologies of this age)
  6. Idolizing Caesar - {PDF Copy} - (The World Empire’s propagandists encourage men and women to give allegiance to and idolize Caesar, the Beast from the Sea)
  7. The Choice - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples and others who give their allegiance to the State are at risk of taking the Mark of the Beast)
  8. Fleeting Power - {PDF Copy} - (Only God’s kingdom will prevail and endure in the end. All other political powers are transitory. Already they are passing away)
  9. The Spirit of Antichrist - {PDF Copy} - (The Antichrist Spirit works to destroy the church from within, especially through deception propagated by deceivers and false teachers – 1 John 2:18-22)
  10. The True Emperor - (Messianic promises from the Psalms are applied to the PRESENT reign of Jesus who possesses all authority in Heaven and on Earth) - {PDF Copy}
  11. Jesus Reigns - {PDF Copy} - (The present reign of Jesus began with his exaltation to the messianic Throne following his death and resurrection – Psalms 110:1)
  12. Jesus or Satan - {PDF Copy} - (The Inhabitants of the Earth refuse to follow the Lamb, instead, choosing to give their allegiance to the Dragon)

  1. The Definitive Sign - {PDF Copy} - (According to Jesus. the End will not come until this Gospel of the Kingdom of God has been proclaimed to all nations on the Earth – Matthew 24:14)
  2. The Message - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus summoned his disciples to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to every inhabited corner of the Earth)
  3. The Final Harvest - {PDF Copy} - (The outpouring of the Spirit on the Day of Pentecost fulfilled what the feast symbolized and marked the start of the Final Harvest)
  4. Our Mission - {PDF Copy} - (The mission of the Assembly of Jesus is to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to all Nations until he returns – Matthew 24:14)
  5. The Spirit and Mission - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus dispenses the Gift of the Spirit to his people to empower them to carry out the proclamation of the Gospel to the Earth)
  6. Salvation for All - {PDF Copy} - (The Gospel of the Kingdom announced by Jesus of Nazareth offers salvation and life to men and women of every nation and people)
  7. Call to Action  - {PDF Copy} - (Through a series of seven beatitudes, Revelation summons believers to faithfulness despite hostility, tribulation, and persecution)
  8. The Faith of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The faith of uncircumcised Abraham provides an example for Jewish and Gentile believers who live from the faith of Jesus – Romans 4:11-17)
  9. Tribulation of the Church - {PDF Copy} - (In Revelation, faithful saints undergo tribulation, but the unrepentant inhabitants of the earth  receive wrath, the Second Death)
  10. Servant or Caesar? - {PDF Copy} - (Satan offered Jesus unlimited political power to achieve his messianic mission if only he acknowledged the Devil as his overlord)
  11. Tribulation vs Wrath - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples escape God’s wrath, but they endure tribulation, and the Assembly has been appointed to tribulation – 1 Thessalonians 3:1-4)
  12. Only Some Nations? - {PDF Copy} - (Is the Gospel of the Kingdom of God a message of hope for only some nations, or is it Good News for all countries and peoples?)
  13. First Martyr - {PDF Copy} - (Under the guidance of the Spirit, and in fulfillment of Scripture, Stephen gave eloquent and effective testimony to the leaders of Israel)
  14. Preach the Gospel! - {PDF Copy} - (With his death and resurrection, the task of his church is to proclaim the Good News of his Kingdom to all nations, to the uttermost part of the Earth)
  15. Appointed for Tribulation - {PDF Copy} - (The disciple who faithfully bears witness to the Gospel and Jesus will endure tribulation and persecution for his sake)

  1. To You is the Promise - {PDF Copy} - (The gift of the Spirit is for all men who repent, even to those afar off, in fulfillment of the promise of the Father)
  2. Spiritual Warfare - {PDF Copy} - (Disciples wage spiritual warfare with Satan through right conduct, acts of love and mercy, and by proclaiming the Gospel)
  3. Seizing the Kingdom? - {PDF Copy} - (Christ’s comment about violence taking the kingdom refers to violent men who attempt to seize and destroy the work of God – Matthew 11:12)
  4. Living Waters - True Worship - {PDF Copy} - (In Samaria, Jesus revealed that the presence of God no longer is limited to specific locations or man-made structures – John 4:20-24)
  5. Distributions of the Spirit - {PDF Copy} - (Followers of Jesus must cling to the word of the Son that has been confirmed by sign, wonders, and the impartations of the Holy Spirit)
  6. The Congregation - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament usage of the term “assembly” or “congregation” is derived from the language and imagery of Israel assembled before Yahweh for worship)
  7. Spirituality - {PDF Copy} - (The spiritually-minded man understands that the proclamation of Christ Crucified is the Power and Wisdom of God - 1 Corinthians 2:14)

  1. New Testament Language - {PDF Copy} - (Was the New Testament originally composed in Greek, Aramaic, Hebrew, or something else? Overwhelmingly, the evidence points to Greek)
  2. Scorning Scripture - {PDF Copy} - (Was the Apostle Paul serious when he wrote that church elders and other leaders must be above reproach?)
  3. Literal vs Nonliteral - {PDF Copy} - (The Book of Revelation informs the reader from the start that it communicates visually and symbolically)
  4. Stand Fast! - {PDF Copy} - (Believers prepare for the Apostasy and the coming Man of Lawlessness by standing firm in the apostolic tradition)
  5. Decoding Scripture - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus, the Word become flesh, is THE one and only interpretive key that unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures and Bible prophecy)
  6. Jesus is the One - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the One in whom God unlocks the Hebrew Scriptures, reveals His nature and mysteries, and implements His redemptive plan for humanity)
  7. Christianity's Vanishing Hope? - {PDF Copy} - (Central to the hope of the Apostolic Faith is the bodily resurrection of the dead at the end of the age)
  8. Mysteries Revealed in Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Scripture declares that all God’s mysteries are revealed in Jesus. So, why are we looking for revelation elsewhere? - Romans 16:25)
  9. Hold Fast to the Word - {PDF Copy} - (Followers of Jesus must cling continually to the word spoken in the Son lest they drift away from the salvation they have received from God)
  10. Ignoring Scripture - {PDF Copy} - (Was the Apostle Paul serious when he exhorted Timothy to only appoint elders and ministers who were above reproach?)
  11. In the Assembly - {PDF Copy} - (John identified false teachers in the church as ‘antichrists’, and their deceptive teachings confirmed that the Last Days had commenced)

  1. The New Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (The promises to Abraham are fulfilled through Jesus in the New Covenant inaugurated by his Death and Resurrection)
  2. Abraham's Seed - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus is the promised Seed of Abraham, the heir of the covenant promises, and receipt of the inheritance is based on faith in Him)
  3. Spirit and Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (From the start, the promise of the Spirit is integral to redemption and the Covenant of God with His people)
  4. The Faith of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (The faith of uncircumcised Abraham provides an example for Jewish and Gentile believers who live from the faith of Jesus – Romans 4:11-17)
  5. The Covenant Promises - {PDF Copy} - (The Gift of the Spirit is part of the New Covenant, the first fruits of the New Creation, and the gathering of the nations in fulfillment of the covenant)
  6. His Incomparable Covenant - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus inaugurated the superior New Covenant through his Death and Resurrection, rendering the old covenant obsolete – Hebrews 8:6-13)
  7. The Spirit of Promise - {PDF Copy} - (The Promise of the Spirit is one of the blessings of Abraham promised by God for the nations and the children of the Patriarch)
  8. Priest Forever - {PDF Copy} - (The priesthood of Jesus is superior because it rests on the endless resurrected life of Jesus, the priest forever after the order of Melchizedek)
  9. Inheritance of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (Believers are the heirs of Abraham, and the possession of their inheritance is secured by possession of the Gift of the Spirit)
  10. Authority over the Sabbath - {PDF Copy} - (In response to the Jewish leaders that opposed him, Jesus demonstrated that he is Lord even of the Sabbath Day - Mark 2:23-3:6)
  11. Shadows and Substance - {PDF Copy} - (The types and shadows of the old covenant find their substance in the Son of God, in his priesthood and New Covenant – Hebrews 8:1-5)
  12. The Inheritance of Abraham - {PDF Copy} - (In Jesus, the limited land promise to Abraham now encompasses the entire Cosmos and all nations)
  13. The Spirit Imparts Life - {PDF Copy} - (The Spirit of God imparts life, especially the everlasting life of which the Gift of the Spirit is the foretaste and guarantee)
  14. The Tent Pitched by God - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus intercedes without ceasing for his people in the true heavenly Tabernacle, one not made with human hands but pitched by God)
  15. Change of Law - {PDF Copy} - (The new priesthood after the order of Melchizedek inaugurated in Jesus also means a change in the Law - Hebrews 7:12)

  1. Circumcision - {PDF Copy} - (With the new era inaugurated by Jesus, circumcision is no longer the required sign of membership in the covenant community)
  2. Authority over Ritual Purity  - {PDF Copy} - (The touch of Jesus cleansed a leper, and the forbidden contact did not render him “unclean”)
  3. Jesus and Tradition - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus undermined the religious rationale for dietary restrictions. With the Messiah’s arrival, the old rituals lost their relevance)
  4. Food and Calendars - {PDF Copy} - (Paul argues for tolerance in the church on food regulations and the observation of holy days – The shadows now find their fulfillment in Jesus)
  5. The New Covenant in Jesus and the Law - {PDF Copy} - (Hebrews 8:1-13 - The “word spoken in the Son” inaugurated the New Covenant that rendered the old one obsolete)
  6. Law and Prophets - {PDF Copy} - (Jesus came to fulfill all the things that were promised and foreshadowed in the Hebrew Scriptures, the Law and the Prophets)
  7. Why, Then, the Law? - {PDF Copy} - (If a man is not justified from the works of the Law, what was the purpose of the Torah given through Moses at Mount Sinai?  Galatians 3:19)
  8. Rudimentary Things - {PDF Copy} - (The Messianic Age dawned in Jesus, and calendrical rituals and other Levitical regulations belong to the obsolete old order)
  9. Doing the Whole Law - {PDF Copy} - (Anyone who is under the Law is obligated to keep all its required deeds and rituals, and therefore, risks coming under its curse)
  10. Limits of the Law - {PDF Copy} - (The jurisdiction of the Mosaic regulations over the covenant community reached its limit with the arrival of Jesus, the Seed of Abraham)
  11. The Fullness of Time - {PDF Copy} - (The Law was an interim stage with a termination point, the Fullness of Time when Jesus redeemed those who were under the Law)
  12. The Works of the Law - {PDF Copy} - (In Romans, references to justification from works have a specific category of works in view, the works required by the Mosaic Law)

Church in field Photo by Sigurdur Fjalar Jonsson on Unsplash
[Church Photo by Sigurdur Fjalar Jonsson on Unsplash]


The Living Word

The Suffering Servant