

My Rights or His Cross

Rage is NOT an appropriate reaction to hostility for disciples of Jesus. His instructions about this issue contradict the “ wisdom of this age ” and human experience. Nevertheless, responding in anger to violations of our political, civil, and individual “rights” only demonstrates how far many of us have strayed from his teachings and example.

True Greatness

Disciples of Jesus are summoned to self-sacrificial service for others just as Jesus gave his life as a ransom for many . After predicting his death, two disciples began jockeying for positions of high status in Christ’s coming Kingdom. Thinking according to the ways of this world, they did not comprehend what kind of Messiah Jesus was, and therefore, what it meant to follow him. However, in Jerusalem, he would demonstrate exactly how one becomes “Great” in the Kingdom of God.


Les discussions sur la “ Marque de la Bête ” se concentrent sur la signification de son Nombre, 666. Nous souhaitons le comprendre et ainsi éviter de le prendre. Mais pour mieux apprécier les ramifications de la prise de sa “ Marque ”, nous devons percevoir que l'Apocalypse oppose la “ Marque de la Bête ”au” Sceau de Dieu ”. Chaque homme doit choisir entre deux alternatives inconciliables, et l'un ou l'autre choix a des conséquences.

Le Vrai Pouvoir

Mao Zedong a déclaré que “ le pouvoir politique sort du canon d'un fusil .” Cela représente fidèlement le modus operandi de l'État depuis l'aube de la civilisation. Dans cette vie, les hommes et les femmes peuvent être conduits de l'une des deux manières suivantes: la persuasion ou la force. Invariablement, l'État choisit ce dernier.

The Great Cosmic War

The Book of Revelation portrays the ongoing Cosmic War between the “ Dragon ” and the “ Lamb .” It is being waged on the Earth as the servants of Satan seek to destroy the followers of Jesus. Its conclusion will affect the entire Cosmos. Following his final victory over his enemies, life will be changed forever throughout the Universe.

The Ascending Beast

The subject of the Antichrist raises common questions. Who is he? When will he appear? How will we recognize him? What is his “ mark ” or “ number ”? In popular preaching, he is a global political leader who uses military might to subjugate other nations and attack Israel in the Middle East. However, if Satan is truly cunning, why would he do the very thing we expect?