[Click on the title below to open an article]
- Rebuilding the Wall - {PDF Copy} - (We must allow Jesus to continue dismantling the wall as his Gospel of the Kingdom is proclaimed to ALL nations, including modern Israel)
- Famine in the Land - {PDF Copy} - (The contemporary church is plagued by famine for hearing the words of God, but one that is a self-inflicted wound)
- An Overwhelming Flood - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament warns of a future apostasy caused by deceivers, false prophets, and the Lawless One before the return of Jesus)
- Signs, Wonders, and Deceivers - (Many voices claim that God is about to pour out tremendous “signs and wonders” the likes of which no man has ever seen) - {PDF Copy}
- Real Power - {PDF Copy} - (“They overcame the Dragon by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and because they loved not their lives unto death”)
- Recognizing Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Only at his death did the Roman centurion present at his execution recognize who Jesus was, the Son of God – Mark 10:45)
- No Holdout Nation - (The Inhabitants of the Earth refuse to follow the Lamb. Instead, they give their allegiance and homage to the Beast) - {PDF Copy}
- Presumptuous and Profane - (God allows evil rulers to govern nations and uses them to accomplish His purposes, and He summons believers to show them due respect) - {PDF Copy}
- His Salvation Offer - {PDF Copy} - (The Good News announced by Jesus of Nazareth and preached by his Church offers salvation to men of every nation and people)
- "Let him be Accursed!" - {PDF Copy} - (If a prophet or even an angel from heaven deviates from or perverts the original Gospel, he or she is quite likely doomed to destruction)
- Deceiving and being deceived - {PDF Copy} - (The New Testament repeatedly warns of coming deceivers and false prophets who will cause many disciples to depart from the faith)
- Prophetic Blunders - {PDF Copy} - (Time and again, popular preaching on end-time prophecy has propagated predictions and expectations that have failed to materialize)
- The Danger Within - {PDF Copy} - (The greatest threats to believers are the deceivers who propagate false doctrines and misleading information inside the Church)
- Counterfeiting Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (“If any man preaches any gospel other than that which you received from us, let him be accursed!”)
- Idolizing Caesar - {PDF Copy} - (The World Empire’s propagandists encourage men and women to give allegiance to and idolize Caesar, the Beast from the Sea)
- Fleeting Power - {PDF Copy} - (Only God’s kingdom will prevail and endure in the end. All other political powers are transitory. Already they are passing away)
- Proclaiming Another Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Is Jesus still the Messiah who died on Calvary to save the world, or has he become a roaring Lion hellbent on taking vengeance on his enemies?)
- Calvary or Rome? - {PDF Copy} - (When offered by Satan, Jesus refused the political power of Rome. So, why do we continue to seek what he rejected?)
- Ignoring Scripture - {PDF Copy} - (Was the Apostle Paul serious when he exhorted Timothy to only appoint elders and ministers who were above reproach?)
- The Folly of the Cross - {PDF Copy} - (God’s Power and Wisdom are found in the proclamation of Christ Crucified, not in displays of power or political might)
- Apostasy and Misdirection - (The New Testament consistently warns of coming apostasy and deceivers, and this warning is to the Assembly, the Church, that is, the Body of Christ comprised of followers of Jesus who are filled with God's Spirit)
- Monthly Prognosticators - {PDF Copy} - (The practice of divining the future from the Hebrew calendar has no basis in the teachings of Jesus or his true Apostles)
- Times, Seasons, Calendars -{PDF Copy} - (Nowhere in the New Testament do we find Jesus or the apostles making prophetic pronouncements from any calendar)
- The Lamb Reigns - {PDF Copy} - (The slain Lamb is the messianic figure who overcomes and reigns from the Throne, not the roaring Lion)
- The Ancient Empire - {PDF Copy} - (Imperial arrogance is the legacy of the Tower of Babel incident, humanity’s first but not last attempt at building the Dragon’s great World Empire)
- Allegiance - {PDF Copy} - (In the Book of Revelation, every man must choose between allegiance to the Beast from the Sea or to the sacrificial Lamb)
- Apostolic Credentials - {PDF Copy} - (In contrast to his opponents, Paul points to the things he suffered for the gospel to validate his apostolic authority)
- Gender and Spirituality - {PDF Copy} - (The genuinely spiritual man or woman understands that God’s power, wisdom, and nature are revealed in the preaching of a crucified messiah)
- True Power - {PDF Copy} - (The power of God is revealed in the proclamation of a Messiah who was crucified by the world on the Roman Cross)
- Jezebel's Siren Song - {PDF Copy} - (Human society and institutions are part of Babylon’s domain, but God is summoning His children to separate from her while there is time)
- Whomever HE Pleases! - {PDF Copy} - (Yahweh, the God of Israel, changes the times and seasons, removes kings, and sets up kings as He to achieve His purposes)
- Has Bible Prophecy Failed? - {PDF Copy} - (After decades of failed expectations and predictions, it is time for believers to reexamine popular ideas about the Last Days)
- My Destiny and Purpose - {PDF Copy} - (Our “destiny” is to take up the Cross of Christ, deny ourselves, and follow HIM wherever he goes)
- Lamb or Beast - (In Revelation, humanity is divided into two and only two groups – followers of the Lamb or subjects of the Beast) - {PDF Copy}
- Mistaken Prophets? - {PDF Copy} - ("In the last days, mockers will come with mockery, saying, ‘Where is the promise of his coming?’”)
- Some Politicians Get a Free Pass - {PDF Copy} - (Why do church leaders excuse lying, adultery, and other serious sins when committed by their political friends and allies?)
- Prosperity for All? - {PDF Copy} - (The legacy of the “Prosperity Gospel” is the corruption of the gospel of Jesus Christ and increasingly, apostasy)
- Satan's Kryptonite - {PDF Copy} - (What Satan fears most is Christ crucified and people conformed to that pattern who will follow him wherever he goes)
- House of Cards - {PDF Copy} - (The history of the failed prophetic expectations in popular preaching is causing many to grasp prophetic straws)
- His Victory and Present Reign - [PDF Copy] - (Did Jesus triumph through his Death and Resurrection, or is he still waiting for some future event to begin his reign?)
- Stargazers and Monthly Prognosticators - {PDF Copy} - (Why are so many church leaders seeking to divine God’s will and the future by using astrology and calendrical calculations?)
- My Rights or His Cross - {PDF Copy} - (Following Jesus means a life of self-denial and service, and a willingness to suffer persecution and loss for his sake)
- Indisputable Evidence - {PDF Copy} - (“The Spirit expressly says that in later seasons some will revolt from the faith, giving heed unto seducing spirits and teachings of demons”)
- Mysteries Revealed in Jesus - {PDF Copy} - (Scripture declares that all God’s mysteries are revealed in Jesus. So, why are we looking for revelation elsewhere? - Romans 16:25)
- Let Him Slay Me - {PDF Copy} - (“Though He slays me yet will I trust in him, and I will maintain my ways before him”)
- An American Revival? - {PDF Copy} - (A popular view often voiced today is that what the church and society need is “revival.”)
- What Rapture? - {PDF Copy} - (The Rapture is an interpretation of a passage that originally concerned the resurrection of dead believers at the arrival of Jesus)
- The Coming Tempest - {PDF Copy} - (The Charismatic Movement is focused on an expected final “revival” that is expected to commence at any moment and accompanied by unprecedented “signs and wonders”)
- Which Kingdom? - {PDF Copy} - (The message of Jesus is centered on the Kingdom of God, a political reality that bears little resemblance to the systems of this age)