
This website is a teaching ministry designed to facilitate Christian education and communication. The focus is on Jesus Christ and his Good News about the Kingdom of God, a vital message for all nations.

My name is David Maas. I have been a student of the Bible since shortly after my conversion in 1971. My goal is to share what I have learned over the intervening years with believers and nonbelievers alike wherever they are. Currently, I reside in the city of Gardnerville in the state of Nevada.

My Profile Photo
[My Profile Photo]

All posts on this site are provided free of charge and may be copied and distributed at will. None are copyrighted.

Please support this work above all with your prayers, that God would continue to open doors for His gospel. If you are interested in supporting this work in other ways, please contact me at bear7755@gmail.com, or, david.maas@yandex.com.

~ David R. Maas, May 2023.


The Living Word

The Suffering Servant